maandag 26 oktober 2009

New Peoples Army – Codes

New Peoples Army – Code

Rule One: Respect
Respect culture, -religion, -gender, -species, and your superiors.

Rule Two: Loyal
Every NPA-Member is loyal and honour to the NPA.
You show to him the same close solidarity that links the members the same family.

Rule Three: Discipline and friendship
Follow the orders and discipline that your superiors give.

You constantly maintain your physical fitness.
Discipline are also staying clean and heathy at all time.

Rule Four: Frugal with equipment, people and money
You consider your equipment, people and you your money as most precious possession.

Rule Five: Don’t use drugs and alcohol.

Rule Six: All NPA-Members must know.
- He/ She must pay 15% of his income to the NPA
- He/ She must care for his family and community
- He/ She must be productive in every way
- He/ She must be organised
- He/ She must know that women and men are equal
- He/ She must be free to be a free thinker if he she wanted!
- He/ She must getting Free Educations till 25 years
- He/ She must getting Free transportation
- He/ She must getting Free Healthcare
- He/ She must getting Free sport
- He /She must know the Code

Rule Seven: For legal/financial payment
NPA- superiors: You are responsible for legal/financial payment commitments to NPA; your word must be on paper.

Rule eight: Diplomatic way to keep the peace
NPA- superiors: should select a diplomat, and should work ways to settle disputes in unity.

Rule Nine: No misbehave behaviour In public
No violence and do not misbehave behaviour in public places

Rule Ten: no stealing, no cheating and no lie

vrijdag 20 maart 2009

Welcome on the New Peoples Army Blog.

Welcome on the New Peoples Army Blog.
I made this blog for a reason. I do not do this for myself, but I also do this for you.
Believe in this ideological and supported me in this ideological.

I believe in a few communist ways that are made By the People for the People.
But I need to explain that the New Peoples Army is not a terrorist group, only for the United States in Thailand. For me the United States did infiltrate this country and they did defended them self. But I don’t wanted be associated with this conflict.

My Ideological is to be free from Capitalism & Imperialism.
And to illuminate and to educate your self to a level that's beyond.
Do you got some great ideas or wanted to help to improve this Ideological.
Pleas send me e-mail to:

The 7 points are a new fundamental state for free thinkers.
And it is a way to escape from poverty and to be independent on all levels.
With this we try to be immune for al authorities.